Friday, October 1, 2010

the tempest and the deep woods

this is about hard times that everyone goes through.......the deep woods n the tempest are metaphors for troubles...... which wont last......we will

This long night is dark, a storm is nigh
I'm lost in woods deep, wanderin 'neath the azure sky
those stars, my only friends are but far away
a tempest blows over, the canvas is covered dark n gray

 The pitter-patter begins, musical then manic
My hum is now no more, for I shudder n panic
I fear what I not see, I tremble from what I hear
The rains quench that forest earth, paradise is not here !!

You owls ! screeching away in glee or sorrow (?)
You wolves hunting me in packs, wait even till 'morrow
You creatures of the dark, may consume me whole....
You unknown ghosts, shades of wandering souls.....

I'm not afraid of ye, for you may break my bone
All may have this earthy offering, on which light shone(once)
What I fear, unseen still, is what shall leave mine
is but me who runs not with me, westward thine !

Yes I travel eastward, I face the poring rain
I travel facing the wind, I bear the searing pain
For there yonder is where the sun shall rise
That bright lands' what I seek, the kingdom wise....

This night maybe dark, the storm maybe strong
Those woods grow only deeper,the path maybe wrong
But I still head east for I still have one friend
HOPE be his name, and I hold him true till the end........