Thursday, December 31, 2009

khaali thoughts

well....tis my birthday today [dhan ta nan !!!!.....go on....celebrate....ur future king is happy today.....]....and when the clock struck two or sumthing like that.......[coz at twelve.......i got a thrashing at the hands of my dear beer-ritz-deep.....and pv called from mumbai....atop the water tank...from where he roars MUMBAI KA KING KAUN ??!!....but thats not the point......ur getting diverted].........yeah when the clock struck two....i realised that i was incapable of sleeping at all today.......

was i turning cherubic and exuberant like a child on his/her birthday ??? was it retrogressive metamorphosis then ??

[believe me i think much was an off day....]

slowly as sleep did get seduced i realised that i was in a situation which cannot be described....a situation where the mind drowns all that is worldy and inane.......and poetry is created....

[dhan te nan !!!!!!!!!!]

todays the day i'd live all my life in,
todays the day i see no strife in...
im a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY....

today i'm a man of ocean wisdom
today i live and rule in a just kingdom
angels and demons sing of truth alike
all fear shall be killed, mind's pike
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

birth shall not decide u of a purer bod
i shall not be the child of a lesser god..
what is pure shall not be held aloft white,
the black shall not be deceitful,trifle or trite
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

ideals and principles shall lofty again,
truthful shall seek truth no gain,
the tinkling of gold shall not move me fast
my honour in paper rolls shall not be cast
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

where perfection shall be truth, also my dreams will
where fear shall be of fear itself, none other nil
hardwork shall be the only weapon, reason the shield
golden shall be that crop of the earthy golden field

my heart shall cry out then....
shed tears of joy......crying.......
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

--so said ZaNy--

Monday, December 14, 2009

ZaNy n the crank caller....nono crank texter......

there are moments in life where you marvel at the progress the human kind has made the last thirty years we have witnessed a paradigm shift from the print to the electronic....from the written to the the texted....

but for every PROgress there is a CONgress.....[he he....naughty...].....for every peak there is a valley......and technology also has its downside....specially when the wielder of the instruments the division of grey matter.....

now i respect lovers....considering that they [most of them] move against the norms of a PRUDENT society....and follow the path where their heart drives them...but what confuses me is the lack of direction and sense.the youthful who want loving and cannot get enough of it should channel their energies positively.

only the day before i received a text message from an unknown was a pretty gud line....but the direction was wud have interested a went like

" everything's beautiful when u r here,
when ur not theres nothing but fear...
come to me oh dear one of mine....
and the life will pass on all too fine...."

[a bad version of "tum ho toh " from rock on ! dont u think ???]

my inward reaction was similar to yours dear reader......confused and irritated at the same time....

my reply was,"dats fine...but who the hell are you ???"

pat came a text,"i wanna make frndshp wid frnd gave me ths number....i heard u are v.beautiful..."

that was the final straw...and i decided ZaNy just gotta take this situation over

ZaNy: ok buddy.u gt wrng idea.u lukn fr a gurlfrds my guess.u barkn up wrng ZaNy

THE PEST: all gals avoid like ths by telln wrng name.dnt wry my names frm hyd.i study in XXX engg coll.3rd yr.

ZaNY: oi !! gender confused.....i aint whom ur lukn for.

dat pest was insistd and sent another hindi song-poem thing.....and sent ZaNy barking with rage.....

ZaNy's reply-

"lead me to the rock that is higher than I,
show me the bird that flies higher than the sky...
in agony and pain thrashed out the robin so red ....
this is ZaNy texting,understand u numbhead ??!!

take me to the king of utopia, for i hear
even in his prosperity, lives a daming fear
my question arises from not self doubt....
this is ZaNy texting, try to get it u lout !!!!!"

next text reply from the pest :

"Im sry yaar....I apolgs......I guess d guy who promsd me a galfrnd jst gav me sm randm numbr........btw....i did not undrstnd a singl word wat u said....sry agn
tc cya"

and the poet won without a sword.......

Friday, December 11, 2009

the ZaNy review......

MOVIE: Rocket Singh, Salesman of the year

*ing: Ranbir Kapoor, Manish Chaudhry, Gauhar Khan.....a hyderabadi......

Shimit Amin is one of my favorite directors.Ab Tak Chappan is a movie which i watch [much to the chagrin of my folks] every time it is telecasted in any channel. And i went to watch Rocket Singh....with a lot of expectations.

And he did not disappoint me !!! [hurray.....]

I liked Rocket Singh......In plain words.....iss pocket me rocket hai.......

RS is a movie which gives a completely new angle to business.....a nova in the perception which otherwise is full of craft, scheming tuxedoes, mindgames, bribery, politics, the correct contacts......
an angle which shows good service can also be good business.....[or good sales]

R.Kapoor plays Harpreet Singh......"35 pc in twelth......39 pc in"....... with a dream of becoming successful businessman.....and a character worth its weight in gold....bad base for a salesman ?? everyun thinks so.......but not harpreet .......

i shant reveal any more......


ranbir kapoor has acted rather well i must opine.....his body language is really good....expressions apt....and is quite good at displaying subtle emotions

gauhar khan has acted well too.....i thought she might be the ayesha takia of wanted in this movie.....she was not disappointing at all

prem chopra has lived his did he surprise me....

D.Santosh is the surprise package of the movie.....he plays a voyeuristic technician hailing from hyderabad....although he did not really perfect the twang....he did really well....

the direction is my expectations were....

the screenplay could have been better,for the movie does turn a tad boring in the middle of the first half.....and in the end where emotions win over pragmatism.....[heavy dialogues]

there were people in the auditorium i watched the movie in [and in many internet forums ] who opined that this movie is not entertaining at all.....

if u want wanted....or shera....or aaj ka gundaraaj....or chandaal......or jaani dushman ek anokhi kahani.......

3 stars......

gud un....

Saturday, November 28, 2009


there are subjects....there are difficulties in subjects...there are difficult subjects....and theres anatomy.ladies and gents, in the world of M.B.B.S, nightmares are a very commonly observed phenomenon.

the aetiology of this psychological disturbance lies mostly with the patient [the med student] obstinately refusing corrective therapy.....[in this case...DAILY STUDIES.....].this is a pathonocturna seen twice in the periods known as FIRST M.B.B.S & FINAL M.B.B.S.

well.....i've seen the muscular,the rugged,the tough crying for their mums and their blankies the nights before the anatomy exams !!!!!

it is the most essential subject in medicine and the most jealous as well......

B for BATCH-
which batch ???

now this is a question asked by everybody in a medical college....right from ur scary bullying seniors....unassuming guards even !!!!

the significance changes with each questioner.
so does the may be a casual inquiry, a ragging jibe, a rivalry, an intention to empty money, an intention to fail[!!]....


the clinical posting is the most important part of medical studies.sadly it turns out that it is also the part where the turn out is as strong as that in a bangladesh-zimbabwe test held at uppal stadium,hyderabad.

it is the place [in a govt hosp at least...] where people [lay people !!] make u feel like a doctor....yeah we are addressed as "doctor saab"....

oh you powerful ego-nauseating feeling of narcissism !! the very feeling which makes you wanna swing an apron and a steth over your shoulders everyday.......


have you read midnight's children??? where the protagonist's nose behaves like wolverine ?? well if saleem sinai were lead into anatomy department's dissection hall....he'd be .....saleem "no nose only eye" !!!!

the formalin reek......the black cadavers with their arms outstretched.....the scalpel....the forceps.....the professor shoutin "DISSECT !!".....the sight of "aproned" students running blade on dead skin like school children running their pens on books dictated notes.....the clutching of dead skin followed by systematic peeling....the swooning of few ladies[and the rush of their boyfriends]....the rotting of fat....the reek !!!!!!

E for EASY.....MBBS is easy !!!...hahahahahhaa......

that was a joke....i have a deadly sense of humour u see.....

F for FAIL/FINAL YEAR..... !!!!!-

why do i put em together u ask me?....well....

anatomy maketh men cry mbbs first
passing the stage maketh us hail
final one leaveth men in thirst
many a macho man here doth fail !!!!

its year is remembered as the stage which makes simon pures out of razor roadies....

u have 4 clinical subjects to study, all of which are rather essential for a career, which can cause upsetting symptoms like.....nightmares....depression....psychosis....multiple personality.... if u don't study !!!

G for GIRLS-

girls are good, just like a gun
girls in mbbs, just wanna have fun

they wake up early, rise n shine
on time to posting,that is so fine !!

they are sincere, they are smart
they finish what we guys hate to start

never seen enjoyin, never seen at play
they hang about in the library, june and may !!

professors favor them, each n every one
while we're called barbaric like vikings n hun !!!

they honey trap guys, bears become teddys
they marry others, spurnd be devdas ready

girls are good, just like a gun
girls in mbbs, just wanna have fun

H for H.O.Ds[heads of departments...]-

they are people you should positively respect.....because not only are they oceans of knowledge.......but....but....just read this.....

once four med students partied[...yeah....we like to have fun too.... loony !!.....] and how !!
they started partyin 3 days b4 the xams started n were in a hangover durin the xam.....and so they slept....

they went to the HOD of the department and requested him for allowing em to write the xam later stating that they met with an accident the day b4 the xam where the car,in which they were travellin, had a tyre bursted.....

the HOD allowed the four to write the xam three days thereafter....and on the day of the xam made em sit in 4 separate rooms....the paper had only one question...

1-front right
2-front left
3-rear right
4-rear left

.......phew......[btw....this is a forwarded text message.........]


It is the part of m.b.b.s where you perfect the skills of the trade you learn in 5 years.the duration is a rotatory.......sometimes threats are bombarded to the meds that 1 more year of rural service may be added.....which,of course is followed by threats of strikes for pay hikes....but that is not the point.

Internship is where you are officially a doctor[ parapara.....dhan dhan dhan....drums.....saxophone...??? get it ???... :-|]...Dr.Zany for is the period where you [probably] earn your first rupee.[Not to sound deflating but they don't exactly roll in our money....on the contrary sometimes they're paid a months stipend after 3 months !!!!....then they strike again.....]

It is also the period when you exactly get a taste of the social life of a doctor......

Every week, a day is charted as "duty day" when the intern puts in 36 hrs non stop.......and sleeps the next 8........

Its no ego satiating experience dear readers.......its a combination of learning.....and duty....and stress.....and happiness....


Once a junior...always a junior......

<-the following are the laws taught in ragging->

-always pay your obsequience to a person from your senior batches......
-the senior is right....NO MATTER WHAT......
-memorise the above two.....carefully......


Khaana means food.Im sure that theres a law in medical colleges saying that hostel food shall tasteth like grubby slime.....irrespective of change in form,size,shape, color or texture the taste shall never change.

We were fed a member of the family FABACEAE for 8 meals in a week once....and later we came to know that those beans also are handy in manufacturing soap.....[so the conclusion made was that we were fed soap !!!].....yes, our expressions werte mortified to say the least....

But the interesting thing is that the hostel mess shall never cease to exist....inspite of the fact that many refuse to pay the bill....and have dues running in tens of thousands....because....because....DIVINE INTERVENTION ????

M for MEDICINE[....gen medicine...or internal medicine...]

anatomy maketh the tuff cry
medicine maketh them pee
studying it hard u try
it shall set thee free

non limerickaly [new word !! new word !!!] is the subject which encompasses all of medicine.....all of it !!!!

[anatomy ....physiology....pathology....pharmacology....everything.....]

and be warned....the examiners have a right to ask the student anything....or everything [ if ur unlucky ] the examination....

pass medicine.....u have an ability to pass anything in life......


"night out isnt an is a state of mind.....

that state which rounds up jagged edges of a doctor......which acts as a stepping stone for future exercises....

that state where the body,mind and soul become one......and surge ahead to DOCVAANA....[doctors word !! new word again.....]...."

BULLSHIT............night outs are not cool.....[not if they are be4 an exam......].....they are aetiological for hairloss, nightmares, peptic ulcers.....and what not !!!!! well throughout the year is the ideal.....yeah yeah !!! ideal gas bags are unattainable.....

O for OWLISH what your eyes will become after a night,swollen,teary......and big....


the subjects whose perfection alongwith anatomy shall practically make a doctor out of a qwack.....

also...they give anatomy like nightmares......

R for RAGGING....

somebody said that ragging is rampant in engineering colleges.....

SOMEBODY HAS NO FREAKING IDEA what he talks about.........

picture this.....

a boy is outnumbered 10 to 1.....hes completely alien in an environment.....he knows nobody around....he cant trust anybody.....has not made many friends as yet.....and knows not moles nor dogs among his kin

enter the dragons....the seniors.....he gotta salute every damn senior u dont matter whether hes a 6 feet tall wrestler.....he just gotta salute !!!!

the first lesson of ragging.....the special salute.......every college has one....[ONE]

he gotta catch his crotch with one hand......salute wid the other.....and jump !!!!......and ensure that his heels hit his buttocks with each jump.....

now that was not that hard was it???

by the end of the year he shall have sit in desk drawers[ yes], sat on upright tubelights and wrong side of upright cricket stumps......he shall have made mistresses of walls having posters of semi clad heroines.....he shall have played air cricket in his underwear......he shall have spent many a night in the parapets in his underwear.......he shall have pretended to be schwarzennegers twin[....and shall have stripped in the display....].....he shall have danced kajra re in a saree made of a blanket........[or mere angane me....].......he shall have danced with 50 people in underwear.......

but in the end.....he becomes a tough senior.....ready to rag the FRESH JUNIORZ........

and shall have found father figures/elder brother/best friends in his seniors..........



the first surgeries u observe are always special.......quite exhilarating actually.....from the moment u watch u watch the surgeons scrubbing.....the anesthetic showing their effect....the incision.......the cut....the stitch.......the post op spic n span......

i opine that very much an art.....a surgeons steady hand is as much a much a is the hand through which god is the surgeons steady mind that can pioneer a new start.....

T for the TRIP

by what i mean is that which [mainly] the students make in the second mbbs....the most relaxed part of medicine studies......

U for UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION...[wat else....unicorn ???]-

it is that time of the year where.... razor roadies....become simon pures.......[refer final year....night get it]

V for VIVA....


ur examiner is god.....

he/she has written the eleven commandments......yes it is eleven......the examiner sez so......

going against him/her shall curse you to a fate that could make samson n hercules cry................

W for WATER-

the necessity of line.....which is rare in a hostel......

very often u see guys in the mens hostel clad in towels....carrying buckets.....and toothbrushes foaming in their mouths.....moving about confused.....from tap to hand latrines......



Y for YOU PASSED !!!!!!-

main bola na yaaro.....main mast mazzaak kartu....suney ??? isku boltey joke of the year.....

u get to hear this nonsense during results..........

Z for ZaNy.....DOCTOR ZaNy.....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my india.....india the diverse.....

legend-humble human being-patriotic person : dudes.....stop fighting over a city man......this city is a part of my motherland.....everybody has a right to live an indian first....

[mr.legend also has a gazillion people supporting him.....and seconding his politically correct statements......]

legend too-egoist-"son of soil[??!!]"-lion of the city-wounded from a battle-wants the sheen of his clan to return: SHUT UP U UNREALISTIC PRIVILEGED YOUNG YESTERDAY'S BRAT !!!!!

my friends....the scenario is for you to see....analyse and our school taught sense of patriotism in reality nothing but blown up "bad air in a gas balloon" ???

are we really patriotic? is equality really a fundamental right of ours ??

does our nations' progressive literacy rate actually reflect our education?

"the answer my friend
is blowin in the wind.....
the answer is blowin in the wind...."

Friday, November 13, 2009

zany's awwsum [\m/] reviews......

i,The essentially awwsum ZaNy, shall, from this moment forth, review all things reviewable.....books....movies......train series....bus journeys....union strikes.....elections....ship journeys.....text messages....!!!!

and why is my review worth ur less imaginative self's brain burn ?????[ yeah....sometyms i do sound like sheldon cooper dont i???]......simple !! im AWWSUMMM.......
[disclaimer- my OPINION......]

*ing-salman khan,ayesha takia

sometimes a man needs to take time out.....for his own sit down a dimly lit room....switch on his ipod...or mp3 player...or the radio channel which plays soft music.....and think deeply....retrospect....about the life that has passed,about the opportunities lost,about the mistakes his lifetime...

why am i sounding so moodzillic ?? well...because time intellect wealth wasted.....a travesty to the national intellectual the great indian dream....

and funding this completely despicable conspiracy to shake the very foundations on which the great structures of the assiduously built indian dream of complete development which,in full terms,shall redeem the pledge and beautify the tryst with destiny, are wealthy and powerful men like boney kapoor[who produced this movie] and salman khan[who cannot for a rice puddings worth be a good actor in my awwsumm opinion]......

WANTED, my dear friends, is a COMPLETE WASTE OF is utter nonsense.....sheer tomfoolery......a no brainer.....

people who say that wanted is an excellent movie and it deserves 4 stars in review are suffering DELUSION.........

in plain words it SUCKS.....haaack thoo!!!!

the original,in telugu, was no better no marks to the script writer here....

people.....get a reality check....however muscular ur hero may be.....he cannot, for the life of him ,throw up a tool box and its contents in air....suspend them in some time-space pandemonium creation mid air !!! and kick the contents, after due selection, at a target.....[the poor target later gets his head's shape carved on a garage shutter and walks away unharmed.....[:-O]...]

and why did i watch it u ask me??? interesting story.....u see i was fully confident that salman khan khan't[hee hee....that was a joke....khant =cant....get it???....oooo get on with it u ask me.....harrumph....wheres ur sense of humour ??] have fans in warangal....

I WAS WRONG.....the legendary ZaNy.....wrong !!!!

tickets were sold out for 4 WARANGAL.......

my ego was hurt bad.....i was force fed JOSH [telugu movie.....] when i wanted the wanted dish.....and smarting with burnt pride i sulked into the theatre after 5 days of release[yes.....twice....i missed out on tickets TWICE].....only to be mollified.....and terrified of salman khan

there is no plot.....the humor is sub standard......the action sequences put sunny deol movies to shame.....the lead female actor doesn't need to act....

the only bright spot is prakash raj's quirky role.....which inspite of being evil makes u smile inwards....


ZaNy sez: no stars.......

salman's fans......BRING IT ON !!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

happy birthday ritz......ZaNy style.........

29th august was ritesh's[...ritz.....] birthday......and though i could not get back on tym to give him a proper treat a la new men's hostel-2 ,kakatiya medical college, warangal
[where they kinda kick ur butt silly until u roll over n cry like a wuss on ur"happy" birthday.....tis kinda barbaric.....but rather fun for the kicker...cuz the kicker can let out his year old frustration on the kicked in a moment of legitimate madness.... ]
.......i did ZaNy him wid mah ZaNy smses......

now ritz is a guy wid a sense of humor......and dats the reason why i've unabashedly sent him those worthless pieces of literature.....

pls dont try this on ur frndz......

"When the sun shines today,it'll shine for you
Today cows n bulls shall call for you MOOOOOOO.....

Kaiku bole toh aaj din hai aisa,
Ek bottle khushboodaar ittar jaisa

Aaj din hai suhana par pehli taareeq nahi,
Aaj hai 29th august....bhool gaye kahin?

Ritz,ur birthday today is a day most special
Like eating biryanis a pleasure not a hassle

My feelings are true but the poem's a farce
The next rhyming word is the gaali ar_e

So gutargu gutargu chali teri scooter
Jiske engine me tha ek kabootar

Kabootar said ishq samandar dil ke andar

this was sent at 0000 hrs.....

the next day ritz replied with a ZaNy poem of his own........and wanted some more kabootar in scooter poems.....but im no zaleel......

"Iss zaleel shayar ku karo maaf
Basically dimaag hai saaf

Ab nikalegi only galeez limericks
Jise main kehta hoo 'zanyricks'

Engine me kal tha kabootar aaj hai haathi
Today no poems my dear saathi

Suraj nikale from direction EAST
Sunny D's hand weighs dhaai kilos at least !!

Kal tha ghalib aaj mat rakh any aasha.....
So jaa warna chadegi ZaNyrick se nashaa...."

sent at 0005 hrs next day........

Ritz my mahn....u raaak.....just like the raaaak of gibraltar.....i salute ur sense of humour and forbearance.......coz the readers of this post certainly have turned ape......

-thus spake ZaNy-

Friday, August 14, 2009

a date with champions.....

"champions are not born....they are made....with blood,sweat and tears.....with innumerable heartbreaks.....every step they take reminds them that failure may be a hundreds steps closer than success but one thing that separates them from the rest is the attitude ....they have the edge that merges their dreams and reality"
-ZaNy the guru...

What im trying to post here is an friend kulbir[beer i call him] n I went to watch the quarter fins n semi fins of the WORLD BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP...held at GMC balayogi stadium,Gachhibowli,Hyderabad from 10 aug-16 august 2009...PHEW !!!!

Well i always had been fascinated by the fastest net sport since childhood...and why shouldn't I be??!!....its kinda in my blood,this dad n grandpa played the sport at university n national im as enthusiastic as they come....but built kinda did not support my zeal....[im not ...well built....]....and my lazyness was no friend either....and usually i made graceful exits in the first rounds in skool n college competitions[the winners went on to lift the trophy every single time...if thats a consolation ! ]

But I'm not gonna go on about me [but of course this is MY BLOG and i do write MY TAKE on things....],I'm gonna describe those two evenings spent at the stadium which renewed my love for this racquet sport

As I said me dad's played it at university level and his love n enthusiasm for badminton is tremendous. It was he who suggested that i witness one of the biggest sports extravaganza that Hyderabad would host. It was Baba who suggested the idea of watching the quarter final matches since the top eight seeded players were likely to go through [although there were upsets like BAO CHUN LAI.....the favorite next to SUPER DAN. And so....ZaNy's mind was fixed.....with the tar that holds the roads together.....on watching the quarter finals.All I nedded was company who wud really appreciate the event.....and BABA was busy that day.....


TIME: 1000 alarm groans[the one that u have in cell phones]....for me to wake up,for the final time,before it dies of lack of battery charge and I, in retaliation ,stuff it in my pillow case and kick it to the distal reaches of my bed.....but sleep deserts me like a coward soldier deserting his post to relive the memory of freedom and life....and grudgingly ,I wake up and relieve my mobile from its ordeal. And then it strikes me like a lightning bolt.....todays the quarter final ....the date with the champions....So without further ado I call up my partner in crime,Kulbir[ I address him as Beer....]

[the followin is in hyderabaadi parlance.....if u fail to understand......ppphhhhbbbtttttt !!!!!]

ZaNy: assalaam waalaikum.....khairiyat?
BeeR: waalaikum salaam....dua hai aapki....bolo ustaad
Z: kya karrein huzoor?
B: arei....abhich project ka phase one khatam kiya yaaro[ hes the beezee bee.....the harworkin soldier the active sloth]
Z: nai soye raat ku?? poori raat jaagein??
B: hau yaaro.....soye toh time waste hoinga...[!!!!!!!]....bolo.....huzoor
Z: arey subah subah disturb kara yaaro....maaf karo...
B: chindi rrei....1030 bajrrein !!!
Z: tum hyderabad meich rehte kya??? US returned dikhhrrain.....
B: kirkirri....ab kya bolu tumharku main.....
Z: hau suno.....2 ghante me ready ho jaao.....
B: kaiku? kiski shaadi hai??
Z: arey kabhi kabhi main baat kare so poora suno miyan....
B: arey bolo ustaad....
Z: Gachhibowli chalinge....
B: kaiku?
B: mazzaak karrein.....
Z: main karta kabhi....
B: hau tum serious rehte kabhi??
Z: chalrrein???
B: befikar raho.....pakka......

and he agreed just like that !!!

[dats why we are a very very very dangerous tag team...ZaNyBeeR's stronger than Sunny paaji's 2.5 kilo biceps...!!!]


TIME- 1345 hrs......we're wonderin where to go from where we are.....[beneath the mehdipatnam fly-over.....connected directly to shamshabaad airport....]

BeeR asks an auto guy.....

" ustaad stadium kaise jaana??"
Auto guy: seedha jao...[!!!!!]
B: fly-over follow karu??
A:[who cannot speak hyderabadi all dat well]....nakko nakko....INE RIGHT MUD JAATA....[referrin to the fly over....he personified it...!!!!]
B:[chortlin....with me almost guffawing] INE mudd k kahan jaata?
A: airport ku jaata honga....[beer speeds n we start guffawin]

we go on seedha......and ignore the fly over ......and discover only lodges n function halls "avenueing" the kul slows and i approach a traffic police guy who at that moment was engaging 5 motorists with no licenses or old ones....

Z: chicha....
TRAFFIC POLICE: main tumharku nai roka ustaad [!!!]

[behind me beer falls down wid his stomach hurtin]

Z: nai yaaro....stadium kaise jaana ??

yes people....this is a disease we have over here " seedha jao..."

and seedha we went
ignoring where the roads bent
in the heat minds dent
an ahoy ! our voices lent....

[paagalkavi strikes again !!!]


Finally after 25 blasted kilometers....we sighted the stadium.....[hurray's a jolly jolly day....]
we tke a turn at the first gate....and we're stopped by a traffic guy this time.....what actually happened was .....the wise ol traffic UNKOOL put up his hand brandishing a danda....and almost decapitated us !!!!

BeeR:[in his thoughts] !!@##$!!
TP: kahan jaarein....
B: match dekhne ku .....sir....
TP: kya?
and BeeR took out his license n registration.......

TP: main poocha kya??

I was contemplating takn out my [powerful] college id card statin dat Im a medical student[hes not the only guy who abuses power u see......] when the unkul said....." go from that gate" pointin to another smaller let through....

"then wats this?? a vip entrance??" BeeR asked of the SI....
"A VVIP one..."came the reply.....

[more like an entrance for the guys wid FREE PASSES mostly obtained from friends of friends of friends........hats off to MR. CHIDAMBARAM for setting a wonderful example by BUYING tickets worth thousands of rupees and sitting in the common gallery]

and we head to the ticket counter, purchase the tickets and head in......only to be stopped n checked whether we held any explosives,guns,knives,cassettes with our song recordings......and other deadly weapons....

what they didn't discover was that ZaNyBeeR was the weapon....!!!!!
for together they're hellraisers
for they are kiraak like tazers.....

[watch out foe the kiraaki next episode where we do things that even angered LIN DAN !!!!!]

-thus spake ZaNy-

Monday, June 29, 2009

the battle of the lecture field.........

Gently and lightly he enters the hall
which masquerades a battle field...
Suddenly silence on the "warriors" fall
like an unholy soul suddenly healed....

He enters with his weapons of battle,
assured of victory or place in heaven
He looks at the sea of non stop tattle,
raises his hand like Zeus' power given

He drones away like a workman's saw,
sawing away at our mind
His tone observes the Constancy Law
sparing none,benches, front or hind !!

He speaks on topics varied and wide,
opines on those unheard and uncared
He romances his subject, a horse carriage ride,
like young love that is dared !!

His lectures render sharks still,
tranquilize even a rampaging bull
His demeanor's a narcotic pill
His voices' of anaesthesias full

Keeping his promise of nonstop speech
he speaks like an economist inspired
To a halt our brains screech....
to a death-like fate we resign tired !!

Woe betide us ! We look skywards,
promise the one above of visits to shrines
"Thou art tested child !" came the voice downwards
"He who conquers mountains rises above pines !!!"

There we sat in the hall-field
searching for rhyme for spring season
It pierced us like a lightning on a shield
few minutes to ATTENDANCE was the reason !!

Alas ! life plays its own jokes
when we woke from the unearthly sleep
ATTENDANCE was over, missed by many blokes
From underneath the ground did sweep......

Sleep, I declare, is a weapon potent,
Of professors and parliamentarians alike
Neither knowledge nor policies bent
Can save us from the attack so "psych" !

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the song of the bad poet......

Indeed....the title is true to the content this time...what i write here is in my opinion one of the worst poems ever the ZaNiEsT of them all [confirmed by a search engine better than google..........the mirror on the wall !!!]

DISCLAIMER: meant only to bug n irritate....and perhaps bring a smile.....
I'm not responsible for ur side effects.......

I'm not a person whose moods seasons like change,
I'm cheerful, zealous, unplanned and strange....

But then every now and then I do feel strangely "poetic",
Being the terrible poet always end up making up a LIMERIC

I'm a bad poet,a pariah, a person facing odium of legend...
Of dogmatic, of "liberalists" and of those hath transcend....

And so my friends, listen i do, to songs,poems and verses
Of legends who give wings to pigs and kiss frogs with curses

I use poetic liberties like communists use the red....
Quatrains don't come to me like loopholes come to a lawyer's head.....

I fail miserably when i attempt ballads that speaketh of lady love...
My style earns none for me, it collects only vegetables for the stove !!

Even plagiarizing does not seem to impact my critics who bet.....
The copied are worse than thou....success even here you've not met !!

Their screams and wails shatter glasses and shudder a strong mind....
My readers art goners I declare, for my works are not lemons only rind

Ladies and gentlemen i do confess, I'm a bad poet a terrible one...
But I'm confounded with one thought still ragging about like a pun.....

How did thou o wise reader manage to read down till here....
This poem's a sham and at your plight i grin ear to ear !!!!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

the incredible journey to the centre of the earth.......

amazed ??? astounded ??? interesting ???
thought I'd write a spin off on Jules Verne's classic???? or worse plagiarise.....??? naaw....don't be so protective of thy opinion.....u thought im gonna write about a fantastic dreamy journey in the sci-fi genre...alien warships,meat guzzlin monsterz, blood thirsty pirates .......didn't ya???

you're wrong and gonna write about an amazing journey......but definitely not to THE CENTER OF THE EARTH......[that is just advertising...]...

Now i'm kinda hoping that you've read me earlier posts bout the glittering wedding ceremony we attended[Nag's didi...] did not????? go em.....

After the sumptous feast we were treated to at Nag's jiju's....we decided to make haste and start our packin for the impending arduous journey.Nonchalant chatter and expert[!] discussion on Gautam Gambhir's batting technique echoed all over the room [heck we know his weaknesses more than Zaheer Khan ever did !!.....IPL brings so much of discussion doesn't it??].In the din nobody noticed that Gani's went from a "wheatish complexion' to "anaemic pale".....and suddenly there was a monstrous sound....a sound so wretched that the devil would have went like "BBBBYYYAAAASASASDAFSFSGSGFGGHJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK"........The fear of werewolves and all creatures made us turn and we saw that Gani was vomiting....water.....oh me gudness!!!....he was Dehydrated...severely....and looked in extremely poor shape...

Unwilling to take chances we ran outside and searched for pharmacies and in a jog covered more than half of the sleepy lil town dat Tadipatri is.....and not a single pharmacy was open...!!!! poor Gani ...he had a terrible sinking a feeling as Sourav Ganguly had when Chappelgate started.Appreciate his cooperative nature.Dehydration and stomach aches notwithstandin we left for the station,got ourselves tickets and started for hyderabad.

Train journeys are experiences that somehow seem to store in indelible memory folder in my brain.I seem to remember each n every train journey i've made.The rocking,the bunks,the vendors,the seemingly unlimited chai n coffees[well as kids those were the only times we were allowed to drink tea n coffee]the holiday mood,the meals packed in tiffin carriers,the card games,the incessant chatter....

Unfortunately our journey back home was not a journey we would associate with the pleasurable childhood "meri pehli rail yatra" essay we would write as hindi assignment.Twas mates,faaaaaar from it......but it was a memory to remember....

As I've mentioned already poor ol Gani had the water sucked outta him by the much less than august weather of good ol Tadipatri.And there he was retchin n throwin out water at every jerk n movement he experienced.Even my vile n zany self felt a tinge of guilt at that poignant sight.

Unsure n hapless at the same time we got ready to barge into the general compartment.As the train came rushing in....we felt that incredible hulk came barging towards the station in all his "I SMASH AAARRRRRRRRGGGH" mood morphed into a snake thingy.....and then we realised that the platform was at a level much much lower....heck it did not qualify to be a platform !!! it was more like a pavement in monda market[....non existent !!!!....].The incredible train hulk snake stopped and we knew twas to be for a 40 second period or so....

The general compartments are located at two near the engine and one just in fronta the end....the strategy we made was simple.....chaaaarge....and grab the empty seats....and look out for the otherz.....but as if loki the god of mischief was havin a field day n ganesha thought this was a good joke to be played on us......THE COMPARTMENT WE TARGETTED[in the rear] WAS FULLLLLL !!!!!! More like the pepsi bottle which is filled,shaken and stirred and ready to explode.....when opened......overflowin like water does when u fill a tea cup with water from the pipe of a fire brigade engine.....overflowing like the rice which our mummies packed in tiffin boxes for lunch at skool.........

Urz truly threw caution to the gale and jumped in runnin full speed .....and barged in the compartment probably crushin at least 7 people and 15 feet and 30 toes........[make no mistake im a heavyweight]....naturally the reaction was a mixture of disgust,pain,exasperation and haplessness[it was like a rhino jumpin on blackbucks..!!! dunno bout the rhino....but they def were blackbucky...].On enterin i found to my horror that another session of hatha yoga was in store......[u knw standin on un foot....elbows tucked in.....].I frantically searched for an empty space and for fresh air[my head was bobbing up n down like a Hawaiian doll] as the crowds came rushing into the compartment.

Finally i spotted an empty space....and there was a lot of pleasant emptiness about it.But it had a catch to it like a reliance offer on a real estate deal.The space was in front of the bathroom !!! Which stank like a ....well bathroom....But who cares.....u cannot be an alpha lion in a water buffalo stampede can you??So off to the passage in front of the bathroom i went and unintentionally kicked an old man's shin in the process.I apologised n was met with a incisor-less toothy grin...i did give him back a smile as mischievous as a poltergeist[i get dat naturally].And he offered me a cigarette n his grin went from cheek to nice of him......but being the non-smoker n responsible citizen[its an offense to smoke in trains]i politely declined.His grin faded as dirt and grime disappears when you was clothes with surf !!As if he were seeking revenge n makin a VENGEANCE IS MINE statement he blew the smoke towards me for the next hour or so !!The bathroom door had a cycle parked on it at approximately a seventy degree angle....and i decided to make lemonades from the lemon dat life had thrown at my feet and i sat down on the seat of the bicycle.Apparently i was not the only resident smart ass.......some others also wantd to squeeze the juice outta the lemon at least......and they sat down on the handle,the h.rod etc and CO2 levels in the small passage rose dangerously makin my brain melt into a plasma state......Suddenly the bathroom door in front opened[it did take effort coz a fat guy was leanin n sleepin against it] and the lil light bulb in my head flickered on.I looked out from my vantage point to see if i could spot any of my mates n the closest to me was VATS[short for vatsyayana....dont ask !!].

"yo Vats..." i bellowed
"wat??" he shouted back
"come here" i said
"wat???r u kooky"
"nay some space...."
"oye dats the bathroom passage"
"arey just come here smarty pants"
" is the bathroom space mate !!!"
"aarey....raa be"

and he came.....squeezed through actually,kickin the old man again...was offered a smoked at...and squeezed again,

"wats the plan?" he said
"open the bathroom door behind us"i whispered in his ear
"WAAATTTTTT???? u flipped?????"
"open it sloth......dont shout" i rasped

the door opened...the bathroom was empty and pretty much clean....maybe because of the cycle.....

the others got up of the cycle assumin i wud take a call in the toilet n i jumped in the bathroom.....and took the cycle in with me !!!!!
then i asked Vats to jump in quickly and he understood quckly enough and took the leap in
to others' amazement i arranged the cycle from a corner to another.....and both of us sat on the cycle[i wonder who was the owner] inside the BATHROOM !!!!!!
You must be wunderin wat we did for ventilation.....simple...we became romans in rome and Vats opened the window which was a vertically slidin one and took out the glass shutter and presto !! we had an air conditioned bathroom in the general compartment.....

and hour must have passed when the monophonic nino rota composition went off again....

i picked up the fone and answered

[hyderabadi urdu]

"yo ZaNy....tis me Ritk"
"bolo ustaad...tum train chade yaaro??"
"hau...aapki dua se chadhe.....hau baat suno "
"bolo ustaad"
"Arey main utar gaya yaaro..."
"Kab miyan????"
"are baat suno"
"hau bolo..."
"woh howlepan ki station aayi na....jahaan gaadi das minute ruki..."
"wahan main aur tiger utarke pehle compartment ku bhaage"
"waisa.....chade fir????"
"hau....kirrkirri...yahaan poori compartment khaali hai ji...tum logaa aa jao..."
"zarrurat nai hai ustaad main a/c main baithke hoo.....[and i told him of the cycle thingy]"
"arey...aa jao bhai...paap bichaaro ku bhi leke aao"
"theek hai re bhai....aayinge gootty me utaringe"
"ok....gimme a call"

[those of you who did not understand.....well too bad]

and i told Vats of the new plan.Initially he resisted but gave in eventually.I gave a call to Emp and the otherz n asked em to get down at Gooty.The response was affirmative....maybe because they had too much of their hatha yogic positions !!

Gooty cam an hour n fifteen minz after we left tadipatri.It was a supposed junction n we assumed the train would halt for at least 5 mins.We got down...all of us did....and we ran......ran like maurice greene....ran like ato boldon.....ran like tim montgomery.....ran like asafa powell.....sprinted like usain bolt......!!!!!!
Vats n Upps ran first...they ran more like two fellows chased by mad dogs....and they had the lead for quite a time......until they were really chased by dogs !!!!
yes...they were chased by a gang of rowdy dogs....if the situation had not been desperate it wud've HILLLARIOUS to the hillll......and Upps and Vats were pretty much aware that they were playin tag wid a group of dogs.

picture this.....
-two guyz runnin.....increasin their pace in the fear that they'll miss the train
-7 dogs runnin behind them......increasin their pace in jest n sheer fun to catch their target
-the guyz slowin down aware that they're bein chased....
-the dogs slow down assumin its a game.....
-the guyz....terrified run like gazelle chased by lioness
-the dogs sprint assummin they're the predatorz chasin gazelles....

-few wacko guys[me included]joggin along behind....half laafffin and half joggin....

[i could have sworn i actually saw one of the drain water colored dogs was smilin n jeerin...]

Anyway we reached our compartment and got in very easily as there were no overflowin people.....half angry at ourselves and half grateful.....and we laid Gani to rest on one of the benches[boy he was in a bad shape] and settled ourselves in the remainin seats or in the passageway....on the floors.Ritk n i decided to stand for sometime and aggravate a few passengers....
We assumed that since the train came down from chennai all must be hindi illiterate madrasis[dats racist].We spotted a gal sittin right across us....and started to make some really rude comments in our lingo like

"kya dekhrrein une yaaro."
"nakko dekho bolo ji"
"are....tumharku dekhri bhai....tum pasand aa gaye...kya baat hai...baat karaun usse"
"kaiku toh bhi....kaisi hai dekh dikhne me....kaali bhasand !!"
"hau.....dekhke lagraa jaise......jaise kaali bhasand"
"are...gussa horee yaaro....samajh me aara honga unku shayad..."
"are madrasiyo ka compartment hai miyan....unku kya samajh me aata????"

and the next moment she began to speak in fluent hindi with her lil bro !!!! .....

aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh........I had never dropped a bigger clanger in my life.........

and i was not visible near dat gal for the rest of the journey again...!!!!

the rest of the journey back home was uneventful.....

and at 9am we descended from the train [Kachiguda again] and headed our separate ways to spend the summer in some semblance of peace.......

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

made in heaven............

*nino rota's composition of the godfather chimes*[monophonic.....whadya expect????]

a lil surprised,a lil amazed and a lil irritated i picked up my ol faithful mobile and put it to my ear....."yo chumps....wakey wakey......breakfasts ready u guyz....where are you????the wedding's gonna start in an hour mates......wake up sloths..."
*KLICK*......i disconnected the call[rather rudely so]....and went back to the dream where i was givin elvis guitar lessons...!!

830 AM[early morn in my books]-

an hour or two must have passed...when someone shouted aaaaaaaaa[that was the time when i was about to take lessons for Norah Jones....]...and i was rudely roused from me slumber up by the hyperactive ram."dang! u idiot...." was my response..."mate...jeet's here...he's come directly from nellore !!".
"good for him" i replied exasperated[and desparate to return to norah]..."nanana...ur not gonna go back n fall to the bed...." he said and pulled me outta it..gotta give the man some credit cuz i by no means am a feather-weight!
the point is my dear friends,im not the kinda guy who gets angry,irritated or sad too easily...but when someone wakes me up just as if wakin up a dog.....i do become rabid !!but the holiday mood got us all drunk n i did not took a lot to wake the otherz up....persuasion,shaking,shouting and water throwin.....

the strangest of vices is inertia....people do not somehow want to grab opportunities that are so obviously kept at hand's reach but want to cry bout lost time n lost chances........

the bathroom was empty when i woke up....but i chose to loll around ZANYing everyun...and when it was occupied i was cringing in the pressure..!!!! was vacant n i rushed in.....towel,brush n stuff in tow.....n answered the call of the divine nature...

horror of horrors !!! i realised i had to sing....just to ensure that i keep myself in the toilet.......there was no latch....and to prove that the bathroom was vacant and to prevent an unforgettable accident i had to rasp in my basal voice...
no issues there though...i am a kishore fan [an elvis,gnr,ac/dc,led zeppelin fan too...]"yeh jo muhabbat hai....o mere dil k chainn....are you lonesomme tonight" echoed all over the tiles......while i was multitaskin....[hahahhaa]

finally when i was done....many a desperate faces greeted me.

theres a rule amongst hyderabadis[read previous post] 11 am is subah subah....i think dat applies to all of us the time we reached the function hall the wedding already had reached half way into completion.we were served chow by an angry nag nevertheless.we sat and observed the rituals[??!!!!]...

hell no....we did sit....and did what is expected of a motley crew composed of smooth talkers,lunatics,hyperactive kiddos,casanovas,good guyz,oglers,louts......!!!
i chose to sit n observe wid my gud bud ritk,calculatin the the value of the jewelery worn by the ladies while he was lookin for eyesores.....

the wedding was fin. dot on time [efficient !!....] and we were called onto the stage to wish the newly weds [good health and prosperity ].....then the feast began.....
im a bengali by birth dear friends.and like all other bongs i've got a nose n a taste bud for good food[yesss im a glutton !!!]......and lemme confess....bengali feasts are hhhohoohooo elegant food wise......
it was a sumptuos meal and the khaatidaari by nag was amaaazin[we were shockd 2 c him in dis avatar...]

somebody suggested dat we could go visit a cave formation nearby."have u lost ur last marble creepo??!!its 43 degrees might be 68 in the cave for all you know......"was the response that deflated the idea.....moreover we had our train to catch in the there was no point in gettin all dehydrated.finally it was left to each to make up his own.

I did the best thing to do at that moment[or any other for that matter]....I went off to finish some unfinished business.......guitar lessons to Norah Jones n Jeniffer Lopez......[in my dreamz of course !!]
"and the rain will'll fall for you..." put me to sleep[in my mind......i was singin it to em]

even the electricity board was in a rude mood that day.whilst i was croonin,"love me tender " to a very very beautiful maiden....the power went POOF ! it seemed like a sauna session was in store for the next eternity or so.....and eve of evening had not even showed up.the adventurous lot were back exhausted [numb brained eh?? i mean there was nuthin 2b adventurous bout].

after what it seemed like a generation had passed....after what it looked liked 4-5 kilos dat i'd lost......the "current god" took pity n let us watch IPL under the fan.we watched delhi batsmen kick mumbai's silly bottom silly enuff to be silly....then sumun suggested we could go n watch Ravi Teja's latest release "kick" in a theatre nearby.that seemed not bad enuff to b a good idea...!!!
"the theatre is air conditioned mates"...said lenin"even nag wants to come....sez its his treat" probs there......away we went to watch Ravi teja kick some serious donkey !!!

Lenin stood in the ticket counter n asked of the ticket guy,"A/c ain't it??"
"yeah yeah.....there is the provision but we don't turn it on..." said the ticket guy nonchalantly.
"whhaaaaat???whhhyyy????"we bellowed in chorus..."electricity bill issues"pat came the reply.[JUST IMAGINE....]
anyway.....3hrz of getaway was what we'd settled for.
the film began....twas pretty gud i must confess....story of an irresponsible mate reminded me of someone....until nag received a call in the half-time....."yo guyz....lets make a jiju's made a dinner invitation....all of us are to go to his place for chow"

we were amazed n touched at the same time....i mean we were like twenty demons with KUMBHAKARNESQUE appetites.........twas quite evident that some of us had embarrassed ourselves in the lunch hall........[demonic smile....] good off we went to honour nag's jiju in return of the honour he bestowed on us only half completin the movie.

and what a sumptous feast we had !!
what good large hearted....truly one happy familia...i'd like to thank the two families for showerin so much of hospitality....kudos to thee.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

the journey......

whosoever sad its the journey which is important not the destination.......
has obviously never travelled in a general compartment of a train in a journey brought to u by indian railways.....seriously,our railway minister,in order to know the state of affairs of the organisation should travel in the unreserved class.....i bet my already waning hairline his kurta will no longer have dat tide safedi......and his hair will be dyed brown too !!

so there we were....kachiguda railway stn......the line at the ticket counter was....not a line was more like a mob that had gathered around two hyderabadis arguing,"haath nikal rrei....maaki kirrkirri nai maloom mai kon hoo??...",[quite true u know..the guy at the counter had a very aggravated n intimidating expression....and was shoutin at everyun....line lo randi.....line me aao ji....shaadi ku aaye ????].

"ask not what they have done for you....but what you have done for them.."

the question was "whos brave enough to stand in this serpentine queue n risk a disc prolapse/fracture/hernia ?!!"....and as if it were a cruel zodiac joke on my zodiac fell on my zany shoulders. "ZANY boy....ur the BAKRA" was how it sounded...."onks please stand in the line was how the put it..."
and there i was,with friends,yet alone....braving the push n the pull.....braving the goliath's staredown [ a wrestler was standin behind me...he looked freaky enuff to appear like wwe's big show]...braving the heat.....braving knee pain....braving brain pain......and finally when i reached the counter ....i was out of breath....breathin like darth vader.....raspin like gollum......"twnewrwt....huuhhh huhhh....twenty tickets to tadipatri pleeeze..."

hooray!!!! first hurdle jumped over......and now the difficult part began....gettin in....

folks...u need to have nizami rubab to get into a gen compartment....or u need to be reeaaahehehally slim.......we had both of em in our troupe and so we managed to even get seats !!!! some other wise guys threw hankies,caps n whateva they had in their pockets to sit on their fav seats[even wallets.....empty of course]....but we did get seats to sit on nevertheless....

wise guys here...wise guys there ...wise guys evrywhere....

one thing that u find common in all train journeys is people popping outta the doors tryin to get a feel a whiff of the diesel,so2,no2,n wat not mixed air blowin in their direction..... ["the answer my friend is blowin in the wind.."]
some wise guy lean too much forward like leanin pisa towerz....hangin by the handles,by the doors...or by their freinds jackets....!!!
i decided to sit by the door....on the steps ...and when a station arrived i got the shock of my foot was very big n could've hit the ran back to the safety of the proper seats..

people are basically very good n kind...inspite of being chindichorz....i was offered seats whenevr requestd...but was engaged in discussion i did not want.....and was constantly feelin my pocket ensurin my purse was in its place...

the first three hourz were uneventful but enjoyable...everybody were in their elementz....everyone was a standup comedian.....we joked on each other,actors,politicians,each other,lady loves...past present n future,each other,nag....each other other.....u get the point....

ram,who was a native of gadwal,had not been home for 6 odd months....and was excited to say the least at the prospect of the train passn his hometown...he went yaykakakakakayakakakausaksaksias......[incoherent]
"the route is very scenis....theres a 2 km long bridge over river krshna....there a big fort....ARUNDHATI was shot in my village[for u neanderthals its a movie bout a maiden ......not the name of a real maiden]....there are many many tamarind tres in gadwal[???!!!]......gadwal sarees are world famous......"
suddenly lenin came rushin in.....and hid himself in a non existent corner....[this guy was built like a wrestler]......"yo wassamatta???"
footie[aka tiger] jumped up the luggage compartment and pretended he was sleepin....

"aaaye haaye meri jaan...*clap clap*....chal raja nikaal...."
u guessed it right folks....people who complete the train experience had arrived...
EUNUCHS....wearin gadwal sarees probably,slap happy n clap happy,unusually tall n strong[not horlicks wise],...caught us perfect targets...bunch of young men who've just entered the prime of their youth....what did we do?? did we counter???nay dont counter eunuchs....or u get free anatomical anomalies' lesson !!
we handed the pirates over their booty 10 from each...n they blessed us back...whew!!!!

and we fell on ram like a pack of wolves....yo gadwal special eh?? were those sarees made in ur town??aaaaaarrgghhh.....shit man u never told us...
"its an aberration...a mistake......noooooo" he countered.....
the situation only got worse.....the water ran out...the stoppage at each station was only 2 mins...and whosoever got down did a usain bolt for gettin back....we were hungry,thirsty n freaked out by the time we reached gooty jn.....and godspeed we found food,water n fresh air....we fell on idlis,wadas like a pack of starved lions fall on tender meat.....the vendor was left dazeds and konfoosed [a la the led zeppelin number]....

we reached our destination at 1130 pm.....we did expect tata sumos n white clad gang with swords in hand to arrive for our greetin....but gud ol nag was there wid scorpios.....his khaatirdaari was immaculate...we dined,met his folks,greeted his jijju,relatives n finally beddy bye in the lodging.....

Friday, May 15, 2009

hyderabadi forever..............

ekkees saal se hyderabad me hun.....tum logan meri izzat nikalrrein maaki kirkirri ???!!!

how much i love the slang......the lingo.....the laidback "chalta hai re bhai....."...the lite mamas....the BIRRYAANI....laad bazaar...haleem....charminar....golconda......IT home rox mates...!!!!!

somebody wid a jhakaas sense of humour wrote this bout us hyderabadis......n i cudn't secretly help but on if ur a true hyderabadi....
and to the creator of dis un....whoever u are...... "kya toh bhi hai yaaro tum....naam badha rrein humaare hydrabaad ki...!!"

> 1. Your address reads as 23-404-32/67A- 43 (New MCH number
> 56-678/4A/B- 22), while you actually live in the second house beside
> zamzam cafe in lane behind Anand Theatre on SP Road.
> 2. You [ladieeej] end up buying only a salwar kameez, whether it is a theatre
> workshop, food mela, consumer expo, designer jewellery show, science
> show or an automobile convention.[not to forget the numaiish]
> 3. Your street has at least one roadside mobile hotel that serves
> Chinese delicacies such as " Vegetable soft needles", "Navrotten
> Kurma", "Chicken Manchewurea" or "American Chompsee".
> 4. Your answer is 'seedha chale jao' when somebody asks you for
> directions,whether it is to Malakpet, Masab Tank, Malkajgiri or
> Moosapet.
> 5. You come across tailors sporting the board: 'Immidiot delivery in
> two days onli'.
> 6.You can speak Hindi, Urdu, hyderabadi hinglish, except Telugu, fluently.
> 7. You order for a tea just after having had a Caramel custard.
> 8. You have at least one Srinivas, Prasad, Raju, Rao or Venkatesh
> within six square feet. OR you have at least one cousin, friend,
> colleague or acquaintance with these names.
> 9. You have at least one cousin, friend, colleague or acquaintance in
> the US in the software biz.
> 10. Every time somebody gives you a piece of good news, the first
> thing you ask them is 'Party kab hain ?'
> 11. Refer to any past as 'parso', be it yesterday or long before three
> hundred years.
> 12. You call 11 AM as subah subah.
> 13. You label your boss as 'Dimakh Kharab'
> 14. And it doesn't matter where in the "Gulf/middle east" you are
> leaving you always tell you are going to "Dubai ".
> 15. You are 15 minutes late and you feel you are on time.
> 16. You look at the fixed price stand and still ask 'dene ka bolo'
> 17. If you do not eat rice at least once a day you will die.(Nothing
> other than Rice is considered as a meal)
> 18. You feel offended by someone looking at you (Kaiku ghoor raa rrei?)
> 19. You can say the typical "Light le le baap/mama/chicha" and be cool without
> analyzing what the situation is.
> 20. You feel its legal and your Nizami birth right to show your hand
> and stop the traffic (better than a traffic police) while you cross
> the road whenever and wherever you like.
> 21. You can hang out in a Irani cafe the whole day after ordering one
> cup tea and a empty saucer for yourself and your dear friend and you
> chat like thats the last day with each other.
> 22. You eat biryaani from madina/niagra/paradise/bawarchi atleast once in a month
> 23. You go to the Petrol Bunk and say "Panch Point Single Oil maaro
> yaaro" and hand over 15 bucks.
> 24. You can relate the words 'Nakko', 'Hou' 'Kaiku' ,'hallu' and make
> these the integral part of your vocabulary.
> 25. You tell your friend that you will 'just come back' ("abbhi aathu
> mein") and your friend knows that either you will take a couple of
> hours or not come back at all.
> 26. You are reading this and secretly admitting that you are, after
> all, a true blue Hyderabadi......

the brotherz of the bride........

"Hark! The merry chimes are pealing,
Soft and glad the music swells,
Gaily in the night wind stealing,
Sweetly sound the wedding bells..."
- Eliza Cook

man's biggest enemies,my dear mates, are procrastination and inertia[although wine,desire,lust,greed....give em tuff competition]....inaction as i'd say deprives a man of his will power,self esteem,determination and strength to move on......

how is this related at all to such a tuni-bulb brightened topic like Nag's didis wedding u ask me????

there was a job...
somebody hadta do it...
nobody did it....
everybody got angry...
cos anybody cud have done it.....
but NOBODY DID IT !!!!!
[courtesy:skool jokes]

well....tadipatri is like 393 kms away from hyd....we should've got our berths reserved at least a week before...but in good times Mallya is king....we were holiday spirit !!!!

we kept passing the buck...[i actually kicked it like the goalie]...fiiinaaalllyyyy.....the day b4 the big day,when we were sposd to board the train bound for tadipatri,we still had nooo idea who were attending the wedding.

0900 fone went ringin the godfather tune...[monophonic !!!]...i picked it up n replied in half bangla-half hyderabadi... "kon kotha bolche re bhai??"...
"yo ZANY...its me EMP".....came the reply..."wake up u lazyy sloth !!!"
"wat zulm mate..??? its 6....."
"eyesight check kara !!! its 9..."
" watch's upside down....sorry hehehehe...wat gives???"
"u goin na?"
"definitely" i said,"where art thou mate...??"
"lingampally....dats like half the way to mumbai!!"
"so whadya say.....bus or train??"
"well.....we've decided to travel by train...the journeys more fun !!"
"tickets nt been reserved bozo..."
"well genius....theres always the unreserved general compartment..."

smashhhh smasssshhhh smaaashhhhh.......

my face went black n white n turned thrice...a la those pathetic saans bahu soap actors !! i've travelled quite a few times to warangal[where i study] in a gen bogie....and believe me when i say it.....travellin in a general compartment is a free hatha yoga lesson !!!!
but......ZANY's pleas went to water water......frantic as my efforts were to gather 20 bus tickets to tadipatri,god seemed determined to make me fitter.....and so....the fantastic journey to the cement land dost began....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

tadipatri or highwater.......of indian summers n indian wedding

India, my dear friends, to the phoren crowd is all about colors,chicken tikka,naked mendicants with their magic....the hot summer and THE WEDDINGS......
Indian weddings are occasions so vibrant and so captivating that sometimes i wonder.....why do we ape the phoren ones [in movies...] at all?????Young as my laaife may be,I remember each n every wedding ceremony that i attended vividly,and the diversities in each culture only adds up to the spice.
The baraat...the drums...the tuni lights...the welcoming...the grand reception of the groom...the beautiful people[read whimmen...wink wink...],the well dressed,the nattily dressed,the overdressed[not to mention the under dressed!!!]....some adorned with gold and precious stones...others decked like christmas trees....the food....the fights between the two parties.....the hours long ceremonies......the mantras......the FOOOODDD….heavens I cud go on and on for eons !!!!....

THE DATE: somewhere in the last week of april
THE SITUATION: tense.....the university exams are about to end....the subject evryun thought wud be a breeze, forensic medicine, turned out to be the typhoon made of our worst night mares....
THE MOOD: straight outta the godfather where theres no news about Luca, Hagen...and Papas been shot....."man...we gotta mug up IPC sections line by line for extra brownie points"...said the smart alec of the batch[and was met with murderous glances and so he decided to shut]
All of a sudden Nag rushed into the room.....stumbled and fell down wid a loud up wid equal zest and jumped on the bed and started givin bear hugs to everyun....and to some...he followed it up with kisses....!!!

“GET….AWAY….GEROFF……!!!!”,shouted Emp. “Toxicology’s bad enuff….i certainly don’t wanna add up the ­ ignominy of being mushied by you !”. “So wassup Nag??” I asked him. “Why so kisserious?”[yes im a joker fan]…….but he just wouldn’t reply……just kept huggin……..and finally when we did manage to wrestle him down….we realized he had his eyes were moist !! “ Nag…wats wrong….??” We asked of him. “ mah sis……mah sis……[sniff]……shes getting married…..!!! mates mah sis ‘ marriage has been fixed……!!! Ooooooooo yeeeaaaaaahhh……” . “AAAAAAAWWWWWSSSSUMMM………..yeeaaaahh….congrats…..congrats………….kick him kick him….oye NAGS DIDIS GETTING MARRRIED”…….was all that u cud hear ….and in that din….everybody forgot that forensic medicine and toxicology were subjects in M.B.B.S………

The exam went off well, I must say……God musta taken pity n set an easy paper. The excitement then reached a new cocainesque high…everybody began to look forward to the big day, may 10th, the day Nag’s sis wud start a new life……