Thursday, December 30, 2010

the lone wolf

Lonely walks the wolf, never hunts in packs
Never is with all brethren, bearing it lacks
Wanders in woods alone, wades in rivers, one,
howls at the moon louder, but slips away in sun

Lonely stalks the wolf, scouts another hapless prey,
sits low, softly he breathes, snows on the coat grey
Leaps at once, growlin, clenching the teeth hath yellowed
The stags antlers gore the hunter, it knows it has mellowed

Lonely limps the wolf, bleeding , yet he never wails
the snow bears now black blood, the moon high, sails
Left a trail for scavengers who hunt, but never alone
Rivers now wash away the red, the lone wolfs never worn

Friday, October 1, 2010

the tempest and the deep woods

this is about hard times that everyone goes through.......the deep woods n the tempest are metaphors for troubles...... which wont last......we will

This long night is dark, a storm is nigh
I'm lost in woods deep, wanderin 'neath the azure sky
those stars, my only friends are but far away
a tempest blows over, the canvas is covered dark n gray

 The pitter-patter begins, musical then manic
My hum is now no more, for I shudder n panic
I fear what I not see, I tremble from what I hear
The rains quench that forest earth, paradise is not here !!

You owls ! screeching away in glee or sorrow (?)
You wolves hunting me in packs, wait even till 'morrow
You creatures of the dark, may consume me whole....
You unknown ghosts, shades of wandering souls.....

I'm not afraid of ye, for you may break my bone
All may have this earthy offering, on which light shone(once)
What I fear, unseen still, is what shall leave mine
is but me who runs not with me, westward thine !

Yes I travel eastward, I face the poring rain
I travel facing the wind, I bear the searing pain
For there yonder is where the sun shall rise
That bright lands' what I seek, the kingdom wise....

This night maybe dark, the storm maybe strong
Those woods grow only deeper,the path maybe wrong
But I still head east for I still have one friend
HOPE be his name, and I hold him true till the end........

Saturday, September 11, 2010


What I took from ye is inspiration
what I shalt give is for years to see,
and talk about, overawed by a legend
towering in presence, that shalt be me !

Obstacles are many, valleys many more
but they shall be dwarfed by a step of mine
and one gaze shall change course of rivers
food to them hungry, gods to that shrine

Hail me ye stargazers ! behold heavens on earth
For today rises a new age, of new blood
that looks far ahead, far beyond horizons
those boundaries created are just slime n mud

He smiles, all knowing, grey after many seasons
the creases, the wrinkles, a mirror of weathers beaten
those eyes, grey they are too, seen storms many
the lands have tilled, crops golden from earth heathen

His smile, unsettles even a giant such as I for,
his comfort knows a knowledge that not knows me
his walk is sagacious, judgement just impeccable
He gives me a talisman, and breaks illusions glee.....

"your spirits soars like winds, but fly like a phoenix
your blood gushes, but rivers in spate starve many
fire brings light, burns faith and is the element alive
The earth maybe steady, when trembles it destroys any

Listen to my call for I saw once what you do see
I felt the rush what you feel, swaggered too
But I bowed to teachers named life and time
Learnt the world, that wisdom now I teach you......

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Das Leben ist Kampf

 for the friends of mine....who shall soon chase their greener dreams  [here n elsewhere]....who have achieved what they worked for....who have struggled and yet never lost hope nor faith...

There was a time in my childhood,
when i believed I could fly....
A lil hope, a lil effort I thought i should
make it there n soar high in the sky

As i grew older the world  around grew too
outwards, inwards, with chasms and peak
my path changed but my dream remained true....
my skys still out there, it calls me to seek

Like the angry river in a deathly spate,
the going got tough, them times changed
i bothered nay triviality,luck nor fate....
I was brave......I stood apart and led the high ground

My dreams are still the great blue and white
My wings now is the efoort that'll carry me home
My destination sheens like heavens in a starry night
and then the razen villages shall rise to be rome

Monday, July 12, 2010

of temptations.......

Those eyes, magnificent they are, free like the skies
Captivated, I drew close, maddened and overjoyed,
The prisoner, who escapes and sights motherland....
The silver arrows, rushing to the earth from gray bows....

Those eyes, pools of love, set fire to bare ice
Keep me warm, keep me loved, slightest the gaze
I ask of it its sculpture in stone, living forever,
etched in all hearts, on a pedestal deified

Those eyes, sad they can be, tears but dries
Have i hurt them so ? Am i loved  no more ?
Deep though they are, gray they now be
Like the moon that is luminous but cold in its ease........

Those eyes, they betray, a poison, a sea of lies !
They are two rings of cold fire, a broken lyre
A mermaids song they hummed so sweet,
And left my being, my soul so incomplete.......

Friday, June 18, 2010

A monsoon wedding........

 Weddings have always been among my favorite occasions to attend. The hustle-bustle in weddings starts eons before the actual month of the ceremony. It's fair to say that these occasions are more festive than are official festivals [!!!]....

My bro Aditya is gettin married this June.....somebody who is the epitome of an older brother....calm.... composed.....knowledgeable.....extremely intelligent.....very fraandliee.......and armed with a smile that can evaporate anger like ethyl alcohol left open in a bottle......something thats kinda....unimaginable for us, the pesky younger lot.....for we shall alwys know him only as a dada.......a dude......[a duda is not acceptable].....

Here's my tribute to my dada and my bowdi......whom i greet with my zany smile......[remeber....I'm the all important pesky bratty brother in law....I'm very important]

here we go....another painful poetry that blows my head away

Come my friends,lend ears, hear my call
Grace this occasion, come one and all.
For two lives shall now be lived one...
Heavens shower n bless em both, chariots of sun

Raindrops shall pat the earth, a musical hum
We'll wring in all freshness, the joy We'll sum
The land of wisdom does call us close
Celebration of two lives does bind us close

The bride blushes red n deep as the rose bloom
For she knows her heart,bonded yet,soars o'er the moon
Bonded to a man who shall treasure her above all,
Who shall keep sacred her happiness, however small

Come my friends, loudly let us lend cheer
For theres no good time nor place than here
The elders shall bless them good health, 
a good life of happiness and everlasting health

The times, they said they are to change,
A generation shall pass values, roles , their range
But ideals have always been held aloft,
a crown and bonds have been the jewels craft

Come my friends, let us now celebrate
A relation that wast etched on stone, in fate
Them couple has a heart thats bigger than the sea
Let us celebrate together ADITYA and RIMI

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

a time gone by.....a friendship that stayed

my take on the simon and garfunkel's song...."old friends"

i remember the time we first met,
twas wen we were little,greeted hi !
we hit it off presto n pronto,
became friends,nay hassles nor fret

we'd be different as a mountain and field,
faiths were too,so were the gods
but walls weren't made by us,nor judged
we'd be happy as friends,the others shield

i remember the time we skipped our work,
at once, again, those sheepish smiles,
the punishment even was shared so even,
those times we'd bear them all,grin n smirk

you'd challenge the boundaries of system
i'd examine them system of boundaries
opinions ours were different rather,
we valued each others' and ours by them

i remember them battles,squabbles and fights
against one another,and or other
the beatings we gave and got back in full
them black eyes,sore faces,living daylights

there were times of joy, times of strife
taken in our stride were gorges of doom
we cheered the other and pushed them too
thus was freshness , thus was that life

but time was the nomad and mind became free
we chose our paths different they were,
but the rock that was ours was unweathered
though time grew around us,green was mindtree

then one day i realised so ever late,
that we really had grown apart and into
different moulds and different shoes
paths were no longer the same,nor the fate

you had to fly away, find your fate
an eagles soar, a path of your own
the world was not big enough us to lose
them stars had to be ours,happiness great

years passed we grew in our years
we grew in wisdom, and prosperity
little to complain, little to complete
stuff of legends we art that one hears

suddenly we spotted the other,stared dismay
we saw not prosperity nor wealth
we saw not balding gray nor greying health
we saw childhood friends, world did sway

a wave of joy erupted, ecstasy of old years
years gone by in innocence,in peace
and we became them children again
we shed all inhibition and shed our fears

it was not terribly strange to be old,wizened
for we were not our age, were of the past
once again we laughed like children
once again above this race,life had risen

Monday, April 12, 2010

hobbies are something which we cultivate during years of our complan breakfasts.....[growing up :-|....i know i havent lost that jhakaas sense of humor].parents ,at one point of our lives, did worry about the extra curricular activities which we showed inclination was noteworthy because they refleced our strengths [communication....leadership kills....] or weaknesses [inability to play as a team member....] it sports...public speaking or collecting stamps....hobbies alwyas have been an integral part of growing up....

interestingly i had the most unique of hobbies....

WRITING TRASH..........[and thus disappointing people expectin sonatas and awwsum literary pieces from my pieces].....

i wud like to demonstrate-

theres a website i stumbled provides lyrics for songs....also translations of popular hindi numbers

my devilish mind cudn't help but check out the translations of the true legend himess bhai's latest jingle which made us was unavailable....sheesh wat a disappointment !!!

and thus i decided to act using my true talent....

mind's radio let it play a bit
forgetting sorrow live youa bit
tune some new station
Fultoo attitude you give a bit

broken heart !!! wat happened ????
wat has happened has happened !!

forget by singin some forgotten songs [!!!!!!!!]
as the rhythm changes....hang on it .....

Fultoo attitud.......

broken heart !!! wat happened ????
wat has happened has happened !!

Bhoole bisre geet ga ke bhool ja
Badala jo rhythm uspe jhool ja

forget by singin some forgotten songs [!!!!!!!!]
as the rhythm changes....hang on it .....

wat shall happen or not happen.....
leave it on the one above
today in that now live your life a bit....
you have the support of the voice of the sky [yessss.....its real !!]

stop crying on wat u got or did not get.....
did not get.....

ur band as it played openly together sing.......
pain becomes medicine is lifes fundamental....

i have bloggers block.....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the agony so sweet

well....i haven't written for some time now.....i have been suffering my affliction that sweeps the ground beneath our feet....the agony is sweet.....yet the pain is indescribable.....i could only pen my feelings.....[or type it if u please....]

She calls out my name, sweetly does smile
I'm floored, amazed, a child without a guile !!
She holds her hand out for me to hold
teases me, puts it back,knows I'm not bold....

Giggles, laughs in peals, can mirth be sweeter ?
I laugh along, my match I have met in her
She'll be mine someday, myself I console
Sitting bull cannot move that totem pole !!

She is brighter than brightest of all sunshine....
Her warmth soothes more than that moonshine....
She maybe delicate than the softest of flowers
but shes stronger than them divine powers

I see that word that I'd cling my dear life onto
Slips away from my hands !! water not clenching onto
I see two eyes, two pools of love, they shine
Close them....and flies away life, sanity of mine

That delicate gaze pierces like arrow my armor
Leaving me none, neither victory nor fervor
I dare th not lie, for her heart is all that I want
She knows mine beats for her, rejection forever haunt

You wonder in amazement, secret in your glee
In love with a wonder is dear old ZANY !!!!!
The answer my friend lies in these eyes......
ZaNy shall once again give a surprise !!!!

A maiden is not of whom I speak of so....
I laugh watery eyes, roll over and bo.....[bow !!! if u may]
I now break the mundane, unravel the mystery
Whom I romance is herself....LADY POETRY !!!!

Love my friend is a disease ever so sweet
Disease I suffer has crumbled my feet....
ZaNy is actually suffering from BLOGGER'S BLOCK !!!!!!!!

sitting bull can't move a totem pole !!!! seriously.........

......thus spake zany......thus maddened zany......thus guffawed zany............