Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Das Leben ist Kampf

 for the friends of mine....who shall soon chase their greener dreams  [here n elsewhere]....who have achieved what they worked for....who have struggled and yet never lost hope nor faith...

There was a time in my childhood,
when i believed I could fly....
A lil hope, a lil effort I thought i should
make it there n soar high in the sky

As i grew older the world  around grew too
outwards, inwards, with chasms and peak
my path changed but my dream remained true....
my skys still out there, it calls me to seek

Like the angry river in a deathly spate,
the going got tough, them times changed
i bothered nay triviality,luck nor fate....
I was brave......I stood apart and led the high ground

My dreams are still the great blue and white
My wings now is the efoort that'll carry me home
My destination sheens like heavens in a starry night
and then the razen villages shall rise to be rome