Thursday, December 31, 2009

khaali thoughts

well....tis my birthday today [dhan ta nan !!!!.....go on....celebrate....ur future king is happy today.....]....and when the clock struck two or sumthing like that.......[coz at twelve.......i got a thrashing at the hands of my dear beer-ritz-deep.....and pv called from mumbai....atop the water tank...from where he roars MUMBAI KA KING KAUN ??!!....but thats not the point......ur getting diverted].........yeah when the clock struck two....i realised that i was incapable of sleeping at all today.......

was i turning cherubic and exuberant like a child on his/her birthday ??? was it retrogressive metamorphosis then ??

[believe me i think much was an off day....]

slowly as sleep did get seduced i realised that i was in a situation which cannot be described....a situation where the mind drowns all that is worldy and inane.......and poetry is created....

[dhan te nan !!!!!!!!!!]

todays the day i'd live all my life in,
todays the day i see no strife in...
im a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY....

today i'm a man of ocean wisdom
today i live and rule in a just kingdom
angels and demons sing of truth alike
all fear shall be killed, mind's pike
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

birth shall not decide u of a purer bod
i shall not be the child of a lesser god..
what is pure shall not be held aloft white,
the black shall not be deceitful,trifle or trite
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

ideals and principles shall lofty again,
truthful shall seek truth no gain,
the tinkling of gold shall not move me fast
my honour in paper rolls shall not be cast
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

where perfection shall be truth, also my dreams will
where fear shall be of fear itself, none other nil
hardwork shall be the only weapon, reason the shield
golden shall be that crop of the earthy golden field

my heart shall cry out then....
shed tears of joy......crying.......
i'm a new man today, a year older
none the wiser, happy birthday ZANY...

--so said ZaNy--


  1. Happy Birthday, Zany....Wish You Loads of Happiness...& A Great Year Ahead...

    Hugs, Maiya

  2. Such a self-centric person.. :P


  3. -maiya- thank u sooooo much.......

    -lipi- narcissism is a wunder im called zany the awwsum man...

  4. Well, well am impressed by the thoughts in the poetry, if not the quality of the poem which zings between being a "sonata" "of blank verse" or a rhyme. Anyway continue being a zany and share your thoughts.
    Dad and Ma.

  5. thats the best compliment i got so first real assessment.....thank u

    assure u the quality WILL IMPROVE

  6. Keep it up Zany and your writings. always look forward to your views, true Hyderabadi style. Keep it up!
    : Jetu from far east....
